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Radiant Barrier R-Value

We're often asked "What is the r-value of your Xtreme radiant barrier?"  The answer is simply zero because radiant barrier doesn't work like an R-Value rated product. 

What Is An R-Value?

Simple put, an R-Value is the measurement of an insulating or building material's ability to resist the transfer of heat through itself.  As an R-Value material's thickness increases, so does the R-Value which means, the material's resistance to heat transfer is better. So, in essence, a product with a higher the R-Value is better than a similar productwith a lower R-Value.  

Once an R-Value rated insulation reaches its absorption capacity, the insulation then starts to transmit heat from itself directly into those same areas you where you were trying to control heat.

Radiant Barrier and R-Values

A radiant barrier doesn't have an r-value because it doesn't absorb heat like an r-value rated insulation.  Instead, a radiant barrier BLOCKS the transfer of radiant heat by reflecting the heat that comes in contact with it across an air space AND by reducing the amount of radiant heat it transmits from itself across an air space.

Because 90% of the heat gain in an attic space is attributed to radiant heat, installing a radiant barrier to the underside of the roof rafters or on the attic floor will dramaticallyreduce the amount of heat flow from your attic space into your livings spaces.  That means your air conditioning until will run less often, which extends its life expectancy, and your electric bills will be lower.

radiant barrierBuy and install our radiant barrier today before it gets too hot in your attic and start enjoying a more comfortable home and lower electric bills.

 ** For more information on how a radiant barrier IMPROVES the effectiveness of your existing R-Value rated insulation in your attic, see our Radiant Barrier R-Value page on our website. **

Rhonda Franklin is a managing partner of RadiantGUARD. With a passion for educating others, Rhonda brings 20 years of experience in the reflective insulation industry with a drive to explain benefits and best practices in easy and understandable ways. In her free time, Rhonda enjoys mentoring high school young women as a small group leader in the Student Ministry at Frisco Bible Church in Frisco, Texas.

Because radiant barriers redirect radiant heat back through the roof, it's logical to think your roof will get hotter and damage your shingles or void your shingle warranties.  But don't despair, radiant barrier don't harm roofing materials or void shingle warranties.

R-Values for double bubble insulation products vary based on the thickness of the overall product itself. Most double bubble insulation products have an average R-Value of 1. But you can achieve a much higher R-Value for your application by the addition of enclosed dead air spaces. However, double bubble insulation shines in applications where radiant heat transfer needs to be controlled and therefore, reflectivity is a much better indicator of a double bubble insulation products effectiveness than its R-Value.

Winter will be here before you know it and that means you need to be prepared for snow and ice and the potentially damaging effects it can have on your residential home. 

While the visual effects of an ice dam are undeniably beautiful, the physical effects to your roofing system can be extremely damaging to a roof, gutters, paint, drywall, and your underlying framing structure.  This damage can also eventually lead to the growth of dangerous molds.

While researching radiant barrier insulation online, many consumers are coming across paint products erroneously marketed as radiant barrier paint which are intended to be sprayed to the underside of the roof rafters to lower the emittance of radiant heat from the roof decking into the attic space.  While these products do help to lower the amount of heat that radiates into the attic space, the use of the termradiant barrier paintis false advertising and these products don't offer near the protection against radiant heat as a radiant barrier foil insulation product.
